Friday, December 2, 2016

Evolution of the "White Race"

What does science tell us about how the "white race" came to be? It's a pertinent question in this era of white supremacist revival.
DNA doesn’t lie, and next generation sequencing is giving us a fascinating look into the genetics of recent human evolution. A seminal Nature article describing the sequencing of ancient European DNAs appeared about a year ago. It's an excellent read for subject matter experts.
A very accessible description of its results and those of additional studies appeared in the New York Times.
In short, it’s well established that "Adam and Eve" were African. More precisely, a number of hominid species originated in Africa, eventually selecting Homo sapiens, the species that went on to populate the world. This means all modern humans, including whites, are of African ancestry. As recently as 8,000 years ago, which in evolutionary terms is a heartbeat, Europeans were dark-skinned. The loss of pigmentation that produced the “white” phenotype actually came from Anatolia (Turkey) and Russia, and it was selected as an evolutionary adaptation to eating a plant-based diet along with several other genes that allowed early Europeans to digest milk (persistent expression of intestinal lactase) and vegetables (which are poor in vitamin D, and therefore require a lighter skin (the skin produces vitamin D in response to sunlight). Along with these came genes that predispose to autoimmune disorders.
Humanity has always been a genetic melting pot, and has benefited from being one.
If a larger fraction of the public were scientifically literate enough to comprehend the scientific evidence on human evolution, nonsensical ideas like racism and creationism would be harder to spread.

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