Sunday, June 25, 2017

From The Ruling Class, Without Love

The "health care" bill proposed by the U.S. Senate has been called "pure class warfare" by Paul Krugman. That is an accurate definition. The "Financial Elite", as we described it in previous posts, is signaling to the rest of America that it will countenance no more limits to its unquenchable thirst for money and power.

I have turned those 148 pages of cruel legislation into a short letter that anyone can read:

Dear middle class Americans, poor Americans, unemployed Americans:

We, the financial elite of this country, the billionaires and multi-millionaires without empathy or conscience, want to keep hoarding money for ourselves and our immediate families, and we do not want to contribute to the sustainability of American society. In other words, we don't really care what happens to you, as long as you keep feeding our money addiction. Therefore, we wish to have an extremely generous tax cut, which we would like you to pay for.

We know you don't have money. We have already decimated your public education, to make sure you stay where you belong in the established social order. God forbid that you may learn a little too much and start questioning that order. But there is still something valuable we can take from you: your health care. We are not sure why you think you have a right to health care. Your illnessess are your fault anyway, or acts of God. Not our problem. So, we intend to permanently eliminate the notion of a "right" to health care for those who can't pay for it. Health care is expensive and profitable, and it belongs to those who can afford it. All that money flowing into health care is just too tempting a target. We are going to transfer it into our own pockets and keep it for ourselves.

To that end, we have bought off a large number of your elected representatives with lavish campaign contributions and other forms of more or less legalized bribing. Most of the Republican party is now a fully owned subsidiary of our social class. We have tasked our paid representatives to accomplish the following: cut our taxes as deeply as possible, by taking money away from the health care system.

Yes, tens of millions of you will either lose health coverage altogether or pay higher premiums for worse coverage. Many of you will experience worse health outcomes or die because of the changes we propose. Honestly, we don't care. We believe that you are sufficiently gullible to fall for our carefully crafted propaganda, and that you will continue to vote for our interests and against your own, as long as we keep manipulating you by pushing the right emotional buttons. We have plenty of information to help us identify these buttons, thanks to your Facebook posts and all the other social media traces you leave behind. Big data analytics will help us figure out the best possible lies we can feed you, so you will keep blindly following us, like sheep to the slaughterhouse.

Look forward to more propaganda, more lies, more poverty, sickness and death. Meanwhile, we shall enjoy the fruits of our political labor, and keep fleecing you every way we can. If we fall ill, we will still have access to world class health care. You won't, but you are not smart enough to know the difference.

Sincerely (not really),

The Elite